Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No other service industry works this way...

...unless it has designers.

Been "cooperating" on a project with an agency. I've worked in an agency before, but I'm still always shocked at the arrogance of the designers.

You never walk into McDonalds and order a Big Mac only to hear the guy behind the counter said "Absolutely not! You want a McFlurry with cheese".

You: "Uh, isn't that kind of a gross combo?"

Oddly aggressive behind-the-counter-guy: "Not at all. It's FRESH & MODERN."

You: "No thanks. I want a Big Mac."

Oddly aggressive behind-the-counter-guy: "Well too bad. I'm not going to give you a big mac you cretin. As a punishment, I am splattering your McFlurry with cheese with ketchup and the stuff we wipe off the floor"

So here's my tip to all designers: the clients are the one who pay your overinflated salary. Listen to them, especially the ones who have worked in an agency before. Believe it or not, these people actually know what they are doing.

Yes, it's the duty of all designers to suggest a better alternative to a client when something incredibly detrimental is going to happen from a usability/aesthetic perspective.

But that's it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Did Microsoft just beat Apple to something cool?

Windows 8 claims to unify touch and mouse interface, and completely revamps how Windows appears on the surface (it's the same old mess behind the scenes) but who cares? This looks pretty awesome.