Thursday, November 4, 2010

Saying everything in one sentence

Everyone should follow this advice when it comes to selling a product or service: explain what it does, for who, and how in one sentence. 

Difficult? You betcha. That's why most elevator pitches run to a page and are full of useless buzzwords and explain nothing. It's much easier

But if you want to ever be effective, you need to be able to tell your prospect what your product or service does, simply, and in a sentence. 

The best way to do that is to write something long. Then ruthlessly cut unnecessary adjectives, buzzwords, sentences until you are left with your 1 sentence. 

And for those who don't want to click a link, here is Messi's Mad Libs approach to making a good elevator pitch: 
"(My company) has a (defined offering) to help (a target audience) (solve a problem) (with our secret sauce)"